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Thursday, March 1, 2012

Stop Waiting Around!

A mistake that most pageant girls make is that they get stuck on one pageant system. For example, you try pageant system and love the staff, production, competitions etc. and so, you subconsciously vow to never compete in another pageant system. I think is one of the greatest mistakes you can ever make during your competition years. More specifically, what if that pageant system just "was not for you" or you were "just not for them"? Take that into consideration first.

Most of you know my personal story:
 I competed in one particular pageant system for many years and I never really wanted to compete elsewhere. I was intrigued by the level of production, how cool the staff was, etc. However, as many years as I competed there, I could never actually win. I would always make it into the top 10 or top 5, but I could just never take that title.

In all honesty, the one year that I decided to compete elsewhere (at the advice of a mentor of mine), I finally won a pageant title: Miss Maryland American Coed Teen 2006. I was elated and of course, was on my way to the 2006 national pageant.

Looking back, had I never left my original pageant system, I often think "could I have ever won there"? Was I just "not what they were looking for at the moment"...every year? Whatever the case, I WANT YOU to consider looking into and trying other pageant systems because you never know what they are looking for and if you could possibly be the best fit for them.

There are so many other pageant systems out there and they all want to do the same thing: empower young women to think independently, act fearlessly, and grow in their self-confidence and ability to be strong and unique. Pageantry, as a whole, teaches young women to be bold and make a statement; consider this when waiting a whole year for your same pageant to roll around again.

Please also consider that the winner rarely only prepares a few weeks prior to the state pageant; if you want the experience necessary to capture your next title, it may be necessary for you to get the experience from other pageant systems to finally take the win and your coveted title =)